GcMAF (Gc Protein derived Macrophage Activating Factor)
GcMAF Therapy Case Reports
GcMAF Therapy Case Reports
Below are short case reports of our clinical experience using GcMAF immunotherapy in our clinics at Saisei Mirai. Most patients are on a variety of both conventional and complementary therapies, and most commonly they have come to us after conventional therapies have failed. Since our therapies are non-toxic they can be used successfully at any stage to improve quality of life (QOL), prolong life and cure the disease. Common therapies at our clinic include:- GcMAF
- Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT)
- Coley’s Vaccine (Coley’s Toxins)
- Local hyperthermia (Thermotron RF8) and whole body hyperthermia
- High-dose intravenous vitamin C
- Alpha lipoic acid (oral and intravenous)
- Maitake MD-fraction Mushroom Extract
- Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Oral colostrum MAF for infection in 74 year old terminal pancreatic cancer patient
Patient information:
- 74 year old female with Pancreatic cancer
- Multiple liver metastasis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Patient was admitted to hospice for terminal care.
- 4-Oct-2014 – Continuing high fever.
- 8-Oct-2014 – Loss of consciousness.
- 10-Oct-2014 – Admitted to another hospital for emergency tests and treatment. No evidence of pneumonia was found.
- 14-Oct-2014 – Patient returned to hospice and received intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH) feeding.
- Patient remained in deep coma, high fever continued, antibiotics didn’t work.
- Antibiotics caused renal function disorder.
- 18-Oct-2014 – Diagnosed to have several hours to several days to live. Family gathered to farewell the patient.
- 18-Oct-2014 – Patient’s son gave oral colostrum MAF powder by sublingual administration with small amount of water in the mouth 2 times per day.
- Next day patient showed reduction in fever.
- In 3 days fever had almost disappeared.
- 29-Oct-2014 – After 3 weeks in a coma, and 11 days after starting Oral Colostrum MAF, patient opened her eyes and was able to follow movements with her eyes.
- 4-Nov-2014 – Patient started to talk and wanted to eat. Patient was surprised the date was already November.
- Eating rehabilitation was started.
- The doctor in the hospice said that this result was a miracle. It was the first case observed out of 2000 patients who died in the same situation.
- The doctor said Oral Colostrum MAF was an amazing medicine.
This case report was first presented by Dr Toshio Inui on 13-Dec-2014 at the 18th Annual Meeting of The Society of Biotherapeutic Approaches, Takamatsu, Japan.
45 year old male with Multiple sclerosis (MS) – End stage progressive
Patient information:
- 24 years with Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- End stage progressive
- Wheelchair bound for 4 years
- Severe muscle pain and twitching
- Told he is end stage and will only deteriorate
Medical records
- 1991 First developed symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- 2004 Scans showing extensive lesions in his brain & spinal cord indicating secondary progressive MS
- 2012 Neurologist: patient has now developed secondary progressive MS. There is no known effective treatment for that condition and patient is confined to a wheelchair & will never walk again
Symptoms: Insomnia, bladder infections needing to void 10 times per night, Optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve), severe muscle pain and twitching, confusion, weakness, wheelchair bound, unable to walk or stand. Multitude of bacterial infections.
- 17-Sep-2014 – Started Second Generation GcMAF therapy
- 0.5 ml High Dose GcMAF (1500 ng/0.5 ml) twice weekly
Initial response after 3 weeks of treatment with 2nd Generation GcMAF
Responded very well from the start to GcMAF. Slept through the night to 7 AM to use his bladder. He has gone off all medications for pain and bladder control and is off antibiotics. He has more energy and is able to drive an adapted car. He is also going to work every day. He still doesn’t walk and he still has some confusion.
Response after 6 weeks of treatment with 2nd Generation GcMAF
Has full bladder control and off medication for bladder infections and also patches to assist bladder to function. Brain fog is much better and he is animated and happy.
- 31-Oct-2014 – Patient is able to walk with assistance for the first time after 4 years being wheelchair bound. The next day he is able to walk unassisted and go up and down stairs
Patient is continuing treatment with 2nd Generation GcMAF.
61 year old male Hepatitis C virus (HCV) patient from Israel with sarcoma treated by Dr Eyal Attias

Dr Eyal Attias at the clinic in Israel. Dr Toshio Inui and Dr Eyal meeting in Japan (30-Jan-2014).
Main treatments:
- High Dose GcMAF
- Ozone therapy
Patient information and summary of result:
- 61 year old male patient from Israel with severe liver disease due to Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.
- Left high above knee amputation + left Lobectomy due to malignant sarcoma with lung metastasis.
- Patient also suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) – a lung disease, congestive heart failure (CHF), hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus (HbA1c <7).
- Due to very severe condition, patient was unable to take conventional therapies for HCV and instead opted for High Dose GcMAF and ozone therapy.
- Metastatic tumors shrank and his hepatitis C viral load in the blood decreased from extremely high levels of 1 billion/ml to 18 million/ml.
- The good result was considered to be due to the combination of High Dose GcMAF and ozone therapy.

- Patient was refused financial support by the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Veterans Handicap Rehabilitation Organization, for the medical treatment, and so he applied to the Supreme Court of Israel.
- The high court judge asked Prof. Ran Oren at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem to give professional medical review of the case.

- Prof. Oren consulted with colleagues around the world. He concluded that in all his career of more than 30 years he never saw a patient with such severe liver disease due to Hepatitis C virus who survived like this patient.
- After confirming the patient’s miraculous recovery, the Supreme Court ordered that GcMAF and ozone therapy treatment be continued until full recovery receiving financial support from the Israeli Ministry of Defense.
Court documents of court case (in Hebrew language).
http://elyon1.court.gov.il/heb/dover/6905236.pdf or mirror (PDF)
Female aged 64 with lung cancer, adenocarcinoma, stage 4

Integrative Therapies: Iressa targeted therapy, 1500 ng High Dose GcMAF 2 times weekly IM injection for 6 months (48 times total), Regional Hyperthermia, 8 times (Thermotron RF8), 4.5 mg Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) daily.
Primary doctor was surprised because the result expected from the targeted therapy was only stable disease (rather than curative) because of advanced stage, but the tumor completely disappeared with only some scar tissue remaining in the lungs.
Patient achieved complete response by August 2013.
- In remission: Patient is continuing 1500 ng High Dose GcMAF 1 time/week (48 doses) for about 1 year to reduce the risk of recurrence.
Male aged in 70s with glioblastoma multiforme brain cancer
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), is the most common and most aggressive malignant primary brain tumor in humans. Treatment can involve chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Median survival with standard-of-care radiation and chemotherapy with temozolomide is 15 months. Median survival without treatment is 4.5 months. Less than 15 % people survive 2 years.
Patient, aged in his 70s, used tumor derived cancer vaccine and then continued with GcMAF long-term. Patient still alive and well after 2 years.
60 year old male with Prostate cancer, Gleason score 8
- 60 year old male, prostate cancer
- Gleason score 8 (range 2 to 10)
- Initial diagnosis Feb 2011
- Feb 2011 radical prostatectomy, lymph node (–)
- No hormonal therapy
- PSA after surgery was increasing
- Oct 2011-Dec 2011 radiation, 60 Gy dose
- May 2012-Apr 2013 autologous serum GcMAF 72 times, IM (1500 ng/0.5 ml), high-dose IV vitamin C 60 g, 72 times
- Regional Hyperthermia, 21 times (Thermotron RF8)
- Feb 2013 MRI shows no metastatic tumors
- 2014 Normal PSA 0.058 ng/ml, no recurrence
60 year old male with prostate cancer, Gleason score 8 diagnosed in February 2011. He received radical prostatectomy without hormonal therapy, but after the surgery his PSA was increasing again. He received radiation therapy, 60 Gray to his pelvic region. In May 2012, he presented at Saisei Mirai. He received 72 times 0.5 ml high-dose GcMAF (1500 ng/0.5 ml), high dose IV vitamin C 60g and 21 times regional hyperthermia using Thermotron RF8.
In February 2013, MRI showed no metastatic tumors. The latest PSA level in 2014 was 0.058 ng/ml with no recurrence.
This case report was first presented by Dr Toshio Inui on 29-Jun-2014 at the 9th International Congress for Medical Laser Applications, Germany. Full presentation can be found here (PDF).
62 year old female with uterine cancer and lymph node metastasis, stage 4B
Patient was diagnosed stage 4B after initial surgery in February 2011. Pathological diagnosis was Serous Adenocarcinoma.
Prior treatment was 2 times chemotherapy in March 2011 with Carboplatin and Paclitaxel. After 2 times chemotherapy Pet CT showed recurrence in the left iliac artery and lymph nodes, and tumor markers were elevated. Patient then had second surgery of lymph nodes metastasis in the pelvis and left inguinal region and in addition prophylactic surgery.
In July 2011 patient had more chemotherapy with CDDP and radiation therapy, but new recurrence was found in the lymph node near the abdominal aorta which was followed by a fourth operation in November 2011, and at the same time radiation therapy near the abdominal aorta.
Patient presented at Saisei Mirai Clinics in Osaka in December 2011 after extensive prior treatment. Chemotherapy had been discontinued due to weakening condition of patient from side effects.
Immunotherapy was started at our clinic from December 2011, initially with Regional Hyperthermia, 400 mg/day Maitake MD-fraction and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Maitake MD-fraction and LDN were continued long-term. Coley Vaccine therapy (Coley Toxin’s) was started in January 2012 and High Dose GcMAF (1500 ng, 0.5 ml) from February 2012.
Intravenous Coley Vaccine, total 110 times, starting at 5 times 1st week, then 2 times 2nd week, followed by 5 times 3rd week, and so on, finishing with 1 time per week at the end. High Dose GcMAF (total 48 times), once per week, over a period of 1 year.
By 2013 patient achieved complete remission. No tumor was visible in CT scan and tumor marker was at the bottom end of the normal range.
71 year old male with malignant thymoma (cancer of the thymus gland) and lung metastases
High Dose GcMAF (1500 ng, 0.5 ml) was administered once a week (total 48 times) together with weekly high-dose intravenous Vitamin C (total 56 times). One year later, the patient still has good quality of life (QOL) with stable disease and no change in the size of the tumor. Patient discontinued GcMAF because he felt the treatment had been successful, however 6 months later the CT showed tumor growth. After this result the patient decided to continue treatment with GcMAF. Currently patient’s condition is stable with good QOL.
74 year old male with prostate cancer and multiple bone metastases
High Dose GcMAF (1500 ng, 0.5 ml) was administered once a week (total 24 times) together with weekly high-dose intravenous vitamin C (total 39 times). Local Hyperthermia (Thermotron RF8) was added once a week (total 19 times). The patient had complete response. Primary tumor and multiple bone metastases have all disappeared according to the bone scintigram (bone scan/bone scintigraphy) and MRI.
72 year old female with colon cancer and metastatic liver tumor, ovarian tumor and peritonitis carcinomatosa
First the patient had surgery to remove the tumor in the colon and the ovary was also removed. Then she took High Dose GcMAF (1500 ng, 0.5 ml) treatment once a week (total 48 times) and high-dose intravenous vitamin C once or twice a week (total 66 times). During this period of time, she took targeted radiation therapy (Novalis Tx Radiosurgery) to the liver tumor at a dose of 55Gy. After one year’s treatment, PET CT scan showed no recurrence of the tumor. She is still in complete remission.
76 year old female with pulmonary infections due to nontuberculous mycobacteria of the lung

3-Feb-2011 chest X-ray before GcMAF therapy showed active infiltrations in the lungs. 22-Nov-2012 chest X-ray after GcMAF therapy showed only scar tissue without active infiltrations in the lungs after treatment.
Patient took conventional therapy with all available tuberculosis antibiotics for 10 years with good effect initially. After 10 years of treatment, tolerance to the drugs increased and therapy lost effectiveness. After this she decided to start high-dose intravenous vitamin C (25 g) once a week (total 239 times) over a 4 year period and she took High Dose GcMAF (1500 ng, 0.5 ml) once a week (total 41 times) for about 1 year near the end of the 4 year period. After 4 years of treatment her chest CT scan showed only scar tissue without active infiltrations in the lung.
Female with lung cancer – Low-dose (palliative) radiation plus GcMAF

One month after GcMAF therapy plus one-time low-dose palliative radiation for lung cancer. Right image shows tumor shrank by half. Radiologists treating the patient were surprised to see such a strong cancer killing effect which is not expected with small doses of radiation.
Advanced stage lung cancer patient had low-dose palliative radiation to their right lung (left side on the scan) to treat cough and breathing difficulty caused by cancer. This radiation therapy was not designed to have significant effect on the cancer, but was simply to treat the symptoms. After one-time palliative radiation treatment and High Dose GcMAF (1500 ng, 0.5 ml) therapy, patient’s right-side lung (viewed on the left in the photo), shrank by half and tumor marker also decreased by half from CEA 890 ng/ml to 426 ng/ml, 2 months later.
Radiologists treating the patient were amazed at the good effects, which were not common or expected with this kind of low-dose radiation treatment. Symptoms greatly improved with a significant decrease in cough and improved breathing, and patient remained active with good quality of life. We believe that the use of multimodality integrative therapy of GcMAF plus a low dose of radiation was enough to be effective, avoiding serious side effects of regular high-dose radiation. What is more surprising is that this occurred at the very advanced stage having completed all available therapies (such as chemotherapy) which is when treatments become less effective as the cancer becomes resistant and difficult to treat. When using GcMAF therapy, better results are seen with local treatments such as radiation (avoiding the bone marrow) over systemic conventional chemotherapies which harm the immune system.
If you wish to purchase GcMAF therapy or make an enquiry, please contact us with details of your disease, current treatment and the quantities of Gc-MAF you require.