Research papers and Presentation papers

The Effects of Dietary Intervention and Macrophage-Activating Factor Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Elderly Users of Outpatient Rehabilitation

Abstract: Background: Age, genetic, and environmental factors are noted to contribute to dementia
risk. Neuroplasticity, protection from degeneration and cell death, and early intervention are desirable for preventing dementia. The linkage between neurons and microglia has been a research focus.
In this study, we examined the effects of dietary modification (a reduction in advanced glycation
end products [AGEs]) and macrophage-activating factor (MAF; a macrophage regulator) supplementation on cognitive function in elderly participants undergoing rehabilitation. Methods: Participants were older than 60 years of age and had been attending a daycare rehabilitation facility for at
least three months without cognitive dysfunction, severe anemia, terminal cancer, or neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. The exercise protocol at the rehabilitation facility was
not changed during the study period. Forty-three participates were randomly divided into three
groups: a control group receiving placebo, a group receiving dietary guidance, and a group receiving dietary guidance and MAF supplementation The amyloid-β40/42 ratio, dietary AGE intake,
plasma AGE levels, dietary caloric intake, and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) screen test were
evaluated. Results: Four participants withdrew from the study. MCI screening scores significantly
improved in the MAF supplementation group, especially after 6 months.

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Background Targeting mucosal immunity of the gut, which is known to provide antigen processing, while avoiding excessive or unnecessary inflammation, was tested as a way to modulate COVID-19 severity. <br>

Methods Randomized open-label trial in 204 adults hospitalized with non-critical COVID-19 who received for 14 days in addition to standard of care (SOC) degalactosylated bovine glycoproteins formulations of either MAF capsules (MAF group) or M capsules (M group) or SOC only (control group).

Based on a growing body of evidence that a dysregulated innate immune response mediated by monocytes/macrophages plays a key role in the pathogenesis of COVID-19, a clinical trial was conducted to investigate the therapeutic potential and safety of oral macrophage activating factor (MAF) plus standard of care (SoC) in the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Ninety-seven hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia were treated with oral MAF and a vitamin D3 supplement, in combination with SoC, in a single-arm, open label, multicentre, phase II clinical trial. The primary outcome measure was a reduction in an intensive care unit transfer rate below 13% after MAF administration.


The effects of degalactosylated whey protein on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory responses in mice were observed in comparison with intact whey protein. Intraperitoneal administration of both intact and degalactosylated whey proteins for 5 days did not affect body weight and food intake in mice. On day 6, intraperitoneal administration of LPS induced a marked decrease in body weight 4 h later.  Read more >>

Trial Efficacy of Saisei Pharma Dietary Supplements MAF Capsules, 148 mg and M Capsules, 148 mg in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients (SaiseiCovUKR) URL :

The hypothesis: Based on the aforementioned findings and on documented analogies between SARS-CoV-2 and HIV, we hypothesized that the reduced conversion activity of the Gc protein (human group-specific component (Gc)) into the macrophage activating factor (MAF) could have a key role in the dysregulate immune response induced by SARS-CoV-2, just like for HIV infected patients. If this hypothesis is correct, it might help to set a valid strategy of immunotherapy also based on an off-label use of GcMAF in critically ill COVID-19 patients.

Conference presentation

Conference presentation - 9th International Congress for Medical Laser Applications, Germany

Conference presentation - The 17th Annual Meeting of The Society of Biotherapeutic Approaches, Fukuoka University

Our research group

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