Rejuvenate your skin
Skin Rejuvenation Therapy
Regain your skin’s ability to create the tone and elasticity of youth by augmenting your skin cells. Recommended for persons seeking natural aging care which doesn’t involve injecting foreign substances.
NEW Improved skin rejuvenation therapy
Since first offering this treatment, Saisei Mirai Clinics have striven to reduce patient pain. Now, Saisei Mirai Clinics have made the following three improvements to reduce patient pain even further.
1. The use of extremely fine needles – 35 gauge, the smallest in the world.
2. The avoidance of foreign substances used in other clinics such as Artz.
3. The use of specialized CoolSense cooling devices to cool the skin during injections, making the procedure virtually painless.

What is skin cell injection therapy?
Skin cells and aging
Living skin cells (dermal fibroblasts) are found in the skin’s dermis layer, under the outer epidermis, and produce the collagen,hyaluronan, elastin, and other substances which maintain skin elasticity.
These fibroblasts decline in number due to aging, UV rays, and stress.
In other words, the loss of cells which produce collagen and other substances results in an increase in such signs of aging as wrinkles, sagging, and under-eye rings.
Skin cell injection therapy involves collecting a tiny amount of your skin, extracting the fibroblasts therein and multiplying them at a cell cultivation center, then injecting these cells back into problem areas.
Because skin cell injection therapy uses only your own cells, there are no side effects and no danger of rejection or failure.
Unlike cosmetic surgery, skin cell injection therapy does not cause dramatic changes.
Skin cell injection therapy is recommended for persons who wish to maintain their current youthful appearance and for those who would like to mitigate signs of aging not present a few years ago.
In addition, unlike the injection of hyaluronan and collagen, the effects of which disappear after several months to a year, the cells injected via skin cell injection therapy do not disappear and continue working to keep your skin looking youthful.
Note, however, that the cells used are a part of you and age together with you.
Saisei Mirai Clinics recommend storing some of your skin cells from today for use in skin cell injection therapy every few years to maintain a youthful appearance.
Scope of treatment
- Under the eyes
- The corners of the eyes
- Sagging skin on the face
- Laugh lines
- Upper eyelid hollows and triple eyelids
- The corners of the mouth
- Vertical lines above the mouth
- The brow
- The forehead
- The cheeks
- The neck
- The hands
Treatment outline

- Treatment explanation and examination by doctor
- *Blood test* (if decision is made to proceed with treatment)
Test items 1) HIV (antigens/antibodies)
2) Hepatitis C (HCV)
3) Hepatitis B e-antigen (HBe)
4) Hepatitis B s-antigen (HBs)
5) Hepatitis B c-antigen (HBc)
6) Syphilis (TPHA)
7) Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1 PA method)*Persons traveling long distances who bring test results from another medical institution need not be tested at Saisei Mirai Clinics.
・Blood test items (printable PDF)

- Skin collected from behind ear (about the size of a grain of rice)
- Blood drawn for cell cultivation purposes

- Topical anesthetic applied, cells injected

- Topical anesthetic applied, cells injected

Examinations conducted as suitable one,three, and six months after injections

Using stored skin cells,
- Additional injections made to other areas
- Maintenance injections conducted (once every one and a half to two years)
– Two or more consecutive injections are recommended for areas being injected for the first time.
– One or more injections to the same location are applied when conducting maintenance injections.
A portion of cells cultivated for your treatment can be stored for use in future treatments. Saisei Mirai Clinics also offer long-term cryopreservation of skin samples and cells.
For more information,please see our skin bank (storage) servicepage.
Treatment costs
Please note that the treatments provided by Saisei Mirai Clinics are not covered by public health insurance.
Non-Japanese citizens residing outside Japan are subject to the Platinum Course.
Initial examination | ¥5,400 |
Blood test | ¥16,200 |
Skin collection (Includes initial cell cultivation fee) | ¥378,000 |
Skin cells | ・1cc=¥108,000 ・2cc= ・3cc= |
Cell storage | Persons undergoing skin cell injection therapy may make use of Saisei Mirai Clinics’ cell storage for the first year for a trial price of ¥54,000. From the second year on, you may choose from the 5 year plan or 10 year plan below. ・5 years: ¥324,000(¥5,400/month) ・10 years: ¥540,000(¥4,500/month) |
Example treatment costs 1: Treatment for the area under both eyes and later treatment for laugh lines
Treatment for the area under both eyes requires two 1 cc injections Initial exam, blood test = ¥21,600
Skin collection = ¥378,000
1 cc fibroblasts × 2 = ¥216,000
Initial total: ¥615,600
Thereafter, treatment for laugh lines
1 cc ×2 = ¥216,000
Example treatment costs 2: Treatment for the area under both eyes and laugh lines
Treatment for the area under both eyes and laugh lines requires two 2 cc injections for a total of ¥788,400(A better value than receiving additional treatment for laugh lines later)
Example treatment costs 3: Treatment for the areas above and under both eyes, the brow, and laugh lines
Treatment for the areas above and under both eyes, the brow, and laugh lines requires two 3 cc injections for a total of ¥939,600
In our hospital you can pay by the following methods.
- Cash
- Credit card

Treatment costs for non-Japanese citizens residing outside Japan
Initial examination | ¥42,120 yen |
Blood test | ¥28,080 yen |
Initial cell cultivation fee | ¥842,400 yen |
1 cc cell injection | ¥421,200 yen |
2 cc cell injection | ¥561,600 yen |
3 cc cell injection | ¥702,000 yen |
5 year cell storage | ¥702,000 yen |
10 year cell storage | ¥1,404,000 yen |
The above treatment costs are for the comprehensive Platinum Course beauty treatment plan which focuses on skin cell injection therapy and also includes endamology and high dose vitamin C treatments. For more information, please ask us the Platinum Course.