Saisei Mirai immunotherapy laboratory for the production of GcMAF, Hyper T/NK cells, lymphocytes and other immunotherapies.

Saisei Mirai Cell Processing Center (CPC)
3-34-8 Okubo-cho, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka 570-0012, Japan
About Saisei Mirai Cell Processing Center (CPC)
Saisei Mirai Immunotherapy Facility is approved and registered as a medical clinic in Japan.
What we do
We manufacture our own specialized immunotherapies, such as:
- Second Generation High Dose GcMAF
- Hyper T/NK cells
- Lymphocytes
- Dendritic cells (DCs)
- Other immunotherapies

Our specialized sterile Cell Processing Center (CPC) and team of highly skilled laboratory staff