
We are thrilled to announce, that Dr. Inui will take part in "Integrative Medical Conference" held in Chennnai, India, from June 21 to 23, and will make a presentation about pioneering treatment methods of Saisei Group.
Please check the poster for details.

Medical Conference, held in Belgrade, April 2024

Dr Inui and Dr Kubo took part in the Medical Conference, held in Serbia, on April 24, 2024, where they gave presentations on:

”GcMAF Immunotherapy for the Healing Journey of Cancer, Autism, Rejuvenation and Longevity”;

“Skin cell injection therapy (skin cells cultivation and transplantation)”.

State of the Art - Immunotherapy, held in Romania in March, 2024​

Dr Inui took part in the State of the Art – Immunotherapy, held in Romania, on March 23, 2024, where he gave a presentation on ”GcMAF Immunotherapy for the Healing Journey of Cancer, Infectious diseases, Autism and Rejuvenation”. 


Dr. Toshio Inui, the CEO of Saisei Mirai Clinic Group was certified as an honorary member of Ukraine National Cancer Research Center and awarded a certificate.

We are delighted to announce that we will be working with the Ukrainian National Cancer Research Center from now on to support cancer patients. We will be working together on Cancer treatments and researches, etc on many levels.

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